Nov 10
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Some of you may be aware of LOLcats. It’s a site where pictures of cats are posted with funny captions. The language used has evolved into it’s own little language, and there’s also a LOLcode programming language. LOLcats have become very popular, and there are many references to it in popular culture these days.
A while ago, Debian started posting loldebian pictures, which are similar in format:

Towards the end of last year, I thought of starting something for Ubuntu and related projects called Lolbuntu. I poked a few people about it but there wasn’t too much interest at that stage. It was never really announced anywhere either, I wanted to get timing right. I played around and made a few posts which you can find at

I might end that site if it ends up redundant. I’ve been complaining about how boring the Fridge is again. It’s supposed to be cool and fresh and weird and exciting, but it’s become too formal and more of a generic newspost than anything else. I talked to the Ubuntu news team briefly tonight, and suggested that we could perhaps make Lolbuntu part of the Fridge instead. I hope that it would bring in some fun and it could give better exposure to activities within your local Ubuntu team. If you have photos of local Ubuntu users doing something funny or captionable, then please e-mail it to me with the following details:
- Caption (or you can add it yourself if you want)
- Who’s in the photo
- Where and when it was taken (if you have that information)
Remember that we want good pictures to post on the Fridge, any picture you send through should comply to the Ubuntu Code of Conduct.
Sep 23
While some people are getting all excited about the Google Android-based phones, I’m going to opt for something way cooler:
The Free Software Foundation (NASDAQ: RMS) has announced the Free Software alternative to the evil, DRM-infested, locked-down, defective-by-design iPhone: the GNUPhone.
The key technical innovation of the GNUPhone is that it is completely operated from the command line. “What could be more intuitive than a bash prompt?” said seventeen-year-old Debian developer Hiram Nerdboy. “The ultimate one-dimensional desktop! Just type dial voice +1-555-1212 –ntwk verizon –prot cdma2000 –ssh-version 2 -a -l -q -9 -b -k -K 14 -x and away you go! Simple and obvious!”

Aaron Seigo has announced that a A KDE 4 port is also in the works, and that the Novell corporation has already started spreading FUD about it.

The phone should be able to make actual phone calls by 2011 to 2012.
Aug 17
I’ve had 3 people from the Real Life (which is a very weird and disturbing place) telling me that I’m not updating my blog often enough in the last week. I’m not sure how much is supposed to be enough. I usually blog when I have some time and have something I’d really like to say. I’m completely fine with about 2 blog entries a month and perhaps more now and again when things get interesting. However, sometimes I like to cave a bit under pressure, so here’s a random blog entry for the bored:
- I heard the I-can-ride-my-bike-with-no-handlebars song for the first time on Friday. Listened to it 20 times over the weekend so far. Aparently everyone else knows it already. It’s an awesome little song about how power can corrupt (or at least, that’s my interpretation
- I played with Mac OSX again yesterday. It’s annoying. Recently Mark Shuttleworth said that Ubuntu will be more attractive than a Mac in two years. I think he seriously needs to take a look at a Mac again. I’ve installed plenty of add-ons and stuff to my Mac, and I just can’t make it match the usability and productivity of my Gnome desktop with Compiz on Ubuntu. In order to make Ubuntu really more attractive to the current Mac market, it will need to run the software that’s available for a Mac. I bought my Mac because I want to use the real nice video editing software that’s available for it.
- Still stuck in Jo’burg for work purposes. Tried to fix that but it failed. I’ll just have to try to get back home a bit harder. I guess I’ll be here for another 6 months max. At least my mother is visiting next weekend.
- Everything else is pretty much ok.
Some pictures from the real world (not sure where they’re originally from though):

May 20
Just be careful. It’s all I’m saying. This kind of thing happens all the time, and when it does, most guys won’t even realise it until it’s too late.
PS: Never ever EVER write them letters. They keep them, and then show it to everyone after your relationship ends and laughs at you! I haven’t been a victim of this yet, but have seen it a lot. Just after making this post, I found this picture (I promise that is another Jonathan). Some girl must have decided it would be funny to put it up… although I must admit it is quite funny, but don’t let it happen to you.
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