SLUG – 10 Schools – One Day

Education, Free Software No Comments »

Today (June 16), we (Shuttleworth Foundation and SLUG (Schools Linux Users’ Group) installed 10 tuXlabs in one day! This is a repeat of the Freedom day / Operation Freetux / U-Day (and other names that the project had) from last year. These ten schools will be running Ubuntu GNU/Linux with the Linux Terminal Server Project. This modified version of Ubuntu also includes some enhancements taken from K12-LTSP and is currently nicknamed Skubuntu. There will soon be an official educational Ubuntu distribution called EdUbuntu, although the project doesn’t have any set goals yet. The installations went well, with few glitches. The only problem that I had to tend to was that someone accidentally re-installed on of the servers, so I’ll have to go back to put Wikipedia, moodle and Computers4kids back on. Besides that, the only other problem was a monitor or two blowing up at schools. Since we’ve anticipated this, an extra monitor or two were sent to the schools, so that wasn’t too big a deal. The braai afterwards was very laid back (I think people were a bit tired), but there was a general feeling of goodwill, the Sluggers really did well! On Monday the help desk will phone the 10 schools and make sure that everything is running fine.

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