Apr 26
The Ubuntu-ZA Hardy Heron release party went very well. It was quite peaceful, and it was the first time that many Ubuntu-ZA members from Jo’burg met in “real life“.
We talked about marketing, and how we should make sure that more local newspapers feature Ubuntu’s release when the Intrepid Ibex lands. Supporters and staff from translate.org.za were present, and there were plenty of discussions around translation. We checked out the tuXlab, some people there haven’t seen Ubuntu being used in a school environment yet, and the lab teacher there, Simone, explained how lessons are integrated into the compu ter room. It was nice having a release party somewhere where Ubuntu is actually used, and people also brang their laptops along, helping each other solve some problems and installing Ubuntu 8.04.
I think our loco team in Johannesburg is definitely stronger now that more of the local Ubuntu people know each other. Thank you to Simone and Saxonwold Primary for having us there!
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