Oct 31
Following on ‘How not to break Ubuntu upgrades’, here’s a great link that explains how to fix common problems experienced when upgrading to Edgy:
It would be real nice if the documentation team could pick it up and do something similar, and perhaps have some kind of post-release notes page where users can find workarounds for problems that are not yet fixed.
Oct 30
Many people have had problems upgrading to Ubuntu 6.10. Some people have ranted on Slashdot about it, some people grumbled on the Ubuntu lists. On CLUG, some people have documented their problems with solutions on how to fix an upgrade that has gone wrong.
If you do it right, though, upgrades will generally go smooth. Here’s the two best things you can do to have a smooth upgrade:
1. Read the release notes
Or more specifically, if you insist on doing a dist-upgrade, make sure that you have your -desktop package installed. See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades
2. Don’t use hacky scripts that you’ll find all over the forums
Automatix and the likes seems like a great quick-fix to many forum users, but it’s not supported and will ultimately break your Ubuntu system. Avoid it, if at all possible.
Ubuntu upgrades will generally work well if you follow the above tips. There are some known issues though. If things do go wrong, please file bugs on the Ubuntu Bug Tracker System, which will help preventing the issue appearing again in future upgrades.
Oct 22
This morning I came across Mako’s Debian Package Name Poetry page. So I thought I’d try it out too. This is my first attempt, it’s about happy Ubuntu users that are having a release party. I dedicate it to the next Ubuntu release (6.10 – the edgy eft), that is due late next week.
alien enlightenment:
partimage, partlibrary.
whois sane?
hello linda.
members make festival…
make wine…
make fortune…
gentoo bum nowhere.
bug-buddy onboard.
genders happy.
bake… yum.
Oct 19
Kids say thank you to (Ed)Ubuntu:
“Weve just installed these two donated computers in a community nursury and breakfast/after schol club in Lincolnshire, England. The machines are 600mhz/128mb/4.2gig and they took about 3/4′s of an hour to install and configure perfectly, and have cost the centre nothing!
The kids absolutely love them, most are from underpriviledged backgrounds and many of them have never used a computer before. As a result they will grow up computer literate. The Nursury just wanted to say a heartfelt thanks for all of the effort and long hours that the community has put into creating this supurb collection of software.
Keep Up the Good work!”

Oct 12
CLUG is the Cape Linux Users Group, our local LUG here in Cape Town. Last week we attended the Futurex exhibition, which is one of the largest technology shows here in South Africa.
Problem was, it’s very expensive to hire some ground space at these shows. So what did CLUG do? We sent out an appeal to all it’s members for funding, and within a week, several people and companies sponsored more than enough to cover the costs.
I think that’s really, really cool. CLUG has always had a vibrant on-line community, it’s great to see how many people care for their lug, but that’s not all. People from the outside have seen it too: Distrowatch picked up on this and donated an additional R1000, even after the expo!
CLUG helped me a lot when I just started out with Linux. If it weren’t for them, I’d still be working in a crappy computer shop removing virusses from Windows boxes all day. Thanks to CLUG and all its members!!
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