This page contains slides of presentations and talks I’ve given before. Most of them aren’t useful by themselves, since they may have had a demo with them. I’ve uploaded them here so that some slides may be re-used by other people or provide ideas for similar talks. I’m not the best public speaker, although I have gradually improved with each talk.
2007-08-28: CLUG talk, The GNOME Desktop Environment
2007-05-03: Ubuntu UES – Lessons learned in tuXlabs
2006-10-31: CLUG talk, Ubuntu and its Derivatives
2006-01-25: CLUG talk, Linux Terminal Server Project
2006-05-31: CLUG talk, Introduction to Wiki’s
2005-10-10: LinuxWorld Jo’burg, Freedom Toasters and LPI
2005-07-08: Edubuntu summit London, Ubuntu in tuXlabs
2005-04-20: tuXlab Roadshow, Open Source support in schools
2004-00-00: Intel Innovation in Education conference: K12LTSP in South African schools
2004-00-00: Intel Innovation in Education conference: Open Source Support Models
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