Ubuntu Talk

Free Software 3 Comments »

On October 31, I’m giving a talk at our local Linux Users’ Group on Ubuntu and its derivatives.

I thought of having an outline similar to the following:

  • Start with the history of Ubuntu – What, where, how and when
  • Discuss the services around it, launchpad, the Ubuntu community (fridge, planet, IRC, etc.)
  • Discuss how Kubuntu was born, and how it developed into a flagship KDE distribution
  • Discuss Edubuntu, how it is used to deliver education in a classroom at a low cost
  • Discuss Xubuntu, a completely community driven effort
  • Discuss how the distributions share a common base, and how the distributions benefit from launchpad and its services, as well as the different repository components (main, restricted, universe, multiverse, dapper-commercial, etc)
  • Discuss Ubuntu’s relationship with Debian, and downstream distributions such as Mepis, Guadalinex, etc.

If there’s any existing presentations I could incorporate, please let me know. I will be using the Ubuntu template included with OpenOffice.org in Ubuntu for this talk. The above points were just off the top of my head, if you can suggest more things I can talk about, please do. Any suggestions are welcome. I will post the slides to the talk about two weeks before the talk, to ensure that it is smoothed out by October 31st.

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Tectonic is running a story on tuXlabs and its evolution to Inkululeko.

All the bits and pieces are coming together quite nicely, we still have a way to go, but I think we’ve had a real good start. July was especially difficult, since I had quite a bunch of tasks to do in the new company, and at the same time I spent a solid three weeks working on a project for a new client.

Just to clear up on a previous blog post, leaving the Foundation doesn’t imply leaving the Ubuntu project. My efforts on the Ubuntu/Edubuntu side has always been a community effort, and completely seperate from TSF, and it will continue, even though I’ve been very quiet the last month or so.

Having said that, I’ve been chasing bigger stuff in Ubuntu, and need to delegate some tasks and responsibilities. First, there’s the Edubuntu website. We have someone at Canonical’s side that will take care of upgrading Drupal (the CMS that Edubuntu uses), etc, but we need people to help us manage and add content. We will also need some moderators and people that will generally keep an eye on the Edubuntu forums, which will be set up soon.

If you are interested in contributing to Edubuntu, or Ubuntu in general, take a look at this great document that� Andreas Lloyd wrote.

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SASA – South African Space Agency

Project Mayhem 3 Comments »

From ITweb:

Cabinet last week approved the establishment of a South African space agency, to co-ordinate and implement the country’s space science and technology programmes.


ITweb article here.


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