Microsoft to buy out Yahoo!!?

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It seems that Microsoft has learned that it can’t beat Google on its own, and according to this Bloomberg article, they have made an unsolicited offer to buy out Yahoo! for US$44.6bn.

The offer comes at a huge premium above the worth of actual Yahoo! share prices, read the full story from

2008-02-04 Update: Official Google statement on the future of Yahoo! and the Internet

5 Responses to “Microsoft to buy out Yahoo!!?”

  1. jerith Says:

    I really hope this doesn’t happen. Yahoo have been doing a bunch of really cool things.

  2. Vincent Says:

    Again? ;)

    As Jerith, I hope it doesn’t happen because Yahoo! does have some cool (acquired) stuff like Delicious. However, if it does happen, I don’t think Microsoft will be able to turn the tide for Yahoo!, thus resulting in great losses. Yahoo! fails to innovate by itself and Microsoft’s track record isn’t that great either, so…

    (I do hope they’ll be pursuing OpenID support though :) )

  3. troll Says:

    Yahoo will take the offer. It is so generous. Microsoft then again gets the #1 email provider - the position that they want so that they can answer the fastest growing competitor (Google) in time.

    Oddly enough, they do not seem to believe anymore that they can build good service themselves and make it number one on their own. They tried many times enough already I guess..

  4. Dirk Gently Says:

    This will go down as the worst buy of the decade. Apple has regained some ground by… innovating. Microsoft is just repeating services, it doesn’t make sense.

    Yahoo, has done well to set MS up for this playing like a fallen pigeon but honestly Yahoo! isn’t in a good spot - all the services they do have they’ve done poorly to integrate together.

  5. Dewalt Strydom Says:

    I know it would be a great thing if Microsoft buys out Yahoo!. I am personally not impressed with Yahoo!’s services. Their search engine does not compare to Google’s and neither does their mailing system. Maybe Microsoft could be able to offer us better service…?

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