Via Slashdot, here’s PC World’s list of top 100 products for 2007, where Ubuntu ranks as #16, and outperforms the highest Microsoft product by a whole two spaces, which is the Xbox at position #18.
Also noteworthy, is Mozilla Firefox 2, which reached #35, and (at least for me) a printer I recently bought, the Canon Pixma iP4300 made #54 (it’s really quite a nice printer).
There’s a trend in general computer magazines to talk more about free software. I see this a lot in our local magazines too. Free software has been making real solid inroads into the mainstream over the past few years. I won’t at all be surprised if the amount of free software products doubles every year for the next few years on PC World’s top 100 products list.
May 23rd, 2007 at 9:29 am
Is anybody surprised about these results ?
both FF and Ubuntu are great products - not even mentioning they are for free
May 23rd, 2007 at 11:17 am
I’m surprised. I knew Ubuntu and Fx were great products, but I did not know they also got that recognition. IMHO Ubuntu could’ve been at #1
In fact, as far as I have read, Google Apps weren’t all that good…
And Mac OS X 10.4 “Tiger” ranks higher at #9.
Anyway, Vista and XP aren’t in this list at all, yay!
Still, I wonder why there’s no “Download” link behind Ubuntu’s name…