jonathan carter

just something, you know, to tell you who I am.

Archive for May, 2005

LinuxWorld 2005 - Jo’burg

Sunday, May 22nd, 2005

This has been an exciting (and tiring) week. I went to Jo’burg for the first time to attend the first ever South-African hosted LinuxWorld. I worked on the LPI/TSF stand, and we took along the Freedom Toaster, which generated huge interest. It was amazing how few stands were giving out Linux CD’s. The Impi […]

Software Loyalty

Tuesday, May 10th, 2005

I’ve always thought of myself as being very loyal. Last week, at a team building event, many people described me as being extremely loyal. I’ve been wondering if this is really such a good thing. Many people have product loyalty, they buy their brandname shoes, their favourite cell phones, etc. without considering other options much.
I’ve […]