FSF New Website and Newsletter

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The Free Software Foundation have made big strides in the software world since 1985. Until very recently though, you couldn’t really say the same for their marketing department. In recent years, the foundation has been focussing more on spreading the word than actual development, and the focus seems to have shifted to what is currently most important for free software users, which also includes the formation of the GPLv3. Towards the end of last year, they launched a fund-raiser for recruiting new FSF members, a method in which users can donate money to the organisation. A few weeks ago, they have also relaunched their website:

This week, they have also launched the Free Software Supporter, the new FSF newsletter. You can get notifications of the latest and greatest versions by subscribing to the info-fsf list (low traffic). Read the first edition:

Newsletters usually start very simple, and then grow as time goes by and the audience gets larger. Please tell your friends to subscribe!

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