jonathan carter

just something, you know, to tell you who I am.

CLUG Rocks!

CLUG is the Cape Linux Users Group, our local LUG here in Cape Town. Last week we attended the Futurex exhibition, which is one of the largest technology shows here in South Africa.

Problem was, it’s very expensive to hire some ground space at these shows. So what did CLUG do? We sent out an appeal to all it’s members for funding, and within a week, several people and companies sponsored more than enough to cover the costs.

I think that’s really, really cool. CLUG has always had a vibrant on-line community, it’s great to see how many people care for their lug, but that’s not all. People from the outside have seen it too: Distrowatch picked up on this and donated an additional R1000, even after the expo!

CLUG helped me a lot when I just started out with Linux. If it weren’t for them, I’d still be working in a crappy computer shop removing virusses from Windows boxes all day. Thanks to CLUG and all its members!!

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