jonathan carter

just something, you know, to tell you who I am.

Python in Cape Town

Today I attended the first ever Cape Town Python Users Group Meeting (CTPUG). I didn’t attend the entire event, which is a pity because I missed a talk on Turbogears, which is possibly not all that bad since I decided to go with Django (time-wise I can’t really afford to change my mind :) )

The day looked very well planned. there were several talks and while a huge amount of it went over my head, it’s good to know that there’s now a very knowledgeable local Python community that I can tap into when I get stuck. There were a surprisingly large amount of people there. 95 people registered for the day, and it seems that it was an accurate account of the amount of people that were there.

Props to Jan Groenewald and Neil Blakey-Milner for setting this up! I hope the CT Python community gets nicely cemented, the same way that CLUG has .

CTPUG Meeting

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