
Free Software, Politics, Project Mayhem Add comments

Or alternatively titled, “Yes you did”. Thank you America, this was a great speech to wake up to. I hope that it’s just the start of many great things to come.

PS: On CNN they just interviewed a political analyst (didn’t catch his name but I’ll try to get the video), who talked about the Cathedral and Bazaar, and he talked about the Open Source movement and compared Obama to it!

UPDATE: Thanks to Meneer R who provided the link to the YouTube video:

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5 Responses to “Landslide”

  1. Kelly Clowers Says:

    That was Alex Castellanos

  2. Meneer R Says:

    I’m pretty sure this is what you are referring to. I found it on Reddit.

  3. Fred N Says:

    Yep. America is royally screwed. No wonder the rest of the world is ecstatic.

  4. Thomio Says:

    Oh good, a guy that lives in the cradle of apartheid is proud of the US for electing a black President.

    Thanks man, you approval of us means a lot.

  5. jonathan Says:

    @Thomio Well, in my defence, I was only 8 years old when Apartheid ended!

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